The VCB provides high quality biospecimens and services for cancer research, through a consortium of hospital integrated biobanks.
Our core biobanking capabilities

Harmonised consent protocol
We collect our specimens through a harmonised consent model which applies to our consortium members and partner hospitals. Most specimens and data are consented for future unspecified research use, such as research with commercial interest, genetic testing and cell line development. The collection of future information and linkages with other datasets/ provides significant flexibility for most downstream research applications. We treat donor consent compliance seriously, with each consent information form cross-checked before the samples are released.

Professional biobanking infrastructure
All our biobank facilities spanning across Melbourne are professionally managed. Most facilities contain ultralow temperature freezers, liquid nitrogen tanks and sample processing equipment, such as the Biosafety Cabinet II, and are connected for remote temperature monitoring.
All our biobanks are certified by the Canadian Translational Repository Network (CTRNet), an international quality assurance program. All incoming samples are catalogued in our centralised Open Specimen for ensuring consortium-wide sample traceability. All our biobanks have also progressively upgraded their critical aging equipment in recent years, including minus –80-degree freezers and liquid nitrogen tanks, ensuring the integrity of the long-term stored samples.
As an established partnership, we have access to professional pathologists and biobanking staff, making our sample procurement and services trustworthy. We are experts in general biobanking management, including human research ethics, biobanking protocols, and quality business planning for consultations or collaborations.

Expansible clinical data
The clinical information associated with human samples are just as important for research. Data annotation can become complicated and laborious due to multiple data sources and diverse demands. At VCB, we collect basic clinical data when we collect the samples, but continue to have the ability to collect and provide further data in longitudinal matters with access to our partnered hospitals. Our data is now routinely linked with the Victorian Cancer Registry for diagnostic data QC and survival data.

Digital tissue pathology imaging
Available soon.
Discover our range of services
Explore the availability of your biospecimen of interest in our existing biorepository.
Bespoke biospecimen collection and services tailored to your needs.
Biobanking and biospecimen related services for supporting clinical trials and other studies.
We’re here to enable your scientific discoveries
The VCB facilitates the accrual of fresh and banked tissue samples.

Tissue processing
Our services encompass a wide range of tissue options to meet your research needs Primarily, we provide primary tumour tissue and/or adjacent normal tissue, and we can also provide biopsy tissue in some cases.. The required tissue can be provided as fresh state, snap-frozen or Formalin-fixed Paraffin embedded (FFPE) samples. In general, our tissue samples are assessed by a pathologist during the procurement process. FFPE tissues are also verified for tumour content by a pathologist before release.
The VCB facilitates the accrual of fresh or banked blood and blood derivative biospecimens.

Blood processing
Our blood derivative services encompass plasma, serum, buffy coat and PBMC, catering to a wide range of research requirements, such as ctDNA or blood biomarker research. We also offer access to fresh whole blood, archival and prospective samples, ensuring flexibility in meeting the diverse needs of researchers.
We provide advice relevant to biospecimens and biobanking. We can also craft a letter of support for your project.

Consulting services
The VCB offers consultation services, including project planning, letter of support, ethical concerns, and feasibility assessment. We encourage you to engage or partner with us early on during either your project planning or grant application phase.
We also offer biobanking consultations as a collaboration or service.
Project establishment process
The VCB has an extensive collection of human biospecimens of various tumour types, annotated with clinical data such as cancer history, treatment history, lifestyle factors, survival data. The VCB provides a complimentary de-identified Pathology report along with the biospecimens shipped.
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1 Send us your enquiry
2 Submit application
3 Establish agreement
4 Project initiation
Cost recovery model
The VCB offers affordable pricing for research services, striving to make our resources accessible and sustainable.
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Operations are standardised to international best practices, with audit systems in place to ensure compliance and regular testing to assure quality.
Through the generosity of the donations of thousands of Victorians, the VCB has been able to bridge the gap between research and real-world impact.
Explore our resource library for supplementary documents, presentations and more.