The VCB offers a wide range of prospective collection services to provide biospecimens that are critical for you to make groundbreaking scientific discoveries.

Flexibility is at the core of our approach— whether it’s a provision of freshly excised tissue, or blood samples from a rare cohort like liver cancer, we will try our best to facilitate. We support donor selection, consent, samples collection, processing, distribution and storage.

Located at major hospitals across Melbourne and integrated into the local hospital ecosystems, our VCB sites are strategically positioned to facilitate seamless collaboration and access to a diverse pool of high-quality clinical samples. All our sites operate within a harmonised ethical framework (e.g. consent protocol) to ensure interoperability of samples from across the consortium for you project.

We understand each project is unique and may have specific needs, therefore we are keen to discuss and come up a solution for you. Please reach out to us to discuss on whether we can assist you through prospective collections. Below are some of the common services we provide for prospective collections.

Common services for prospective collections


  • Recruitment
    • Case Selection and Consent
  • Whole Blood and Derivates
    • Collection
    • Processing (Plasma, Serum, Buffy Coat, PBMNC)
  • Solid Tissue 
    • Collection
    • Processing (Snap Frozen Tissue, FFPE/OCT)
    • Slide (H&E, FFPE)


  • Storage Management (Freezer, LN)

 Associated Clinical Data

  • De-identified pathology report
  • Questionnaire
  • Diagnosis*
  • Staging and grading
  • Therapy and medication data
  • Follow up data

*Diagnosis and death data are linked with the VCR. 

Cost recovery schedule

The cost for prospective collections depends on several factors and complexity of the project, such as cohort rarity, collection selection criteria, biospecimen types, volume and customisation of the project.

We encourage you to contact us for a discussion about your biobanking needs and a quote can be provided subsequently.

Please refer to the Services price list for a full breakdown of our services. Please note this price list is the full cost of each of the services (i.e. no material is to be shared for other projects or banked for future use). Appropriate quotes will be provided according to the criteria and your needs.

We provide two scenarios below as examples of costing for prospective projects (for guidance only).

Scenario 1: Fresh tissue biospecimens for lung cancer study (Academic)

Project requirements

Project requires Lung tumour samples from 10 donors, each with a sample volume of approximately 10mm3.

Project requires therapy naive samples with no prior history of cancer. In regard to data, the project involves a bespoke questionnaire to be filled out upon collection. Samples will be dispatched to researcher upon collection using courier service.

Pricing quote

Place content here.

Service item Unit price Unit Total
Case selection and Consent - $155 (Full Price $310)
Tissue collection and processing - $75 (Full Price $144)
De-identified pathology report – complimentary
Bespoke Questionnaire - $70
$300 per collection 10 $3,000
Project Application $330 1 $330
Project Management fee – $0 first hour and $100 per hour thereafter $100 per hour TBC TBC
    TOTAL $3,330

Quote provision basis

The VCB calculates the price of this request based on a number of factors, including the request criteria and availability for other purposes (e.g. VCB general biobanking). Where sharing is possible, VCB will further reduce the already-subsidised pricing to a project.

In this case, as lung cancer is part of our biobanking priorities and the project only requires a small piece of tissue, the costs are shared for case selection, consent (instead of full cost of $310) and tissue provision. The VCB dispatches samples upon collection, and the courier fee is passed on.

The only data item this project requires is a custom questionnaire to be filled out by our staff when consenting the patient for collection.

Other fees

As per common practices, an initial project application fee is incurred to cover the administrative work for review of project documents and basic agreement drafting and establishment.

A project management fee may be applied for extensive project management beyond the standard scope.

Scenario 2: Request for matching blood and tissue derivatives for Liver cancer (Academic)

Project requirements

Project requires matched tissue and blood derivative samples from 50 Liver Cancer patients where samples aren’t suitable for the research if only either sample type is available. 1mL of Plasma and 1 piece of tissue snap frozen is required. The project prefers dispatch of all samples upon full recruitment completed, samples to be stored in liquid nitrogen.

Exclusion criteria: samples from patients with therapy before sample collection.

Additionally, the project requires clinical data for the collected samples, i.e. Diagnosis, staging, cancer history, comorbidities, smoking history, treatment data.

Pricing quote

Service item Unit price Unit Total
Case selection and Consent - $155 (Full Price $310) $155 Min. 50 Min. $3,000
Blood collection and processing:
Blood collection - $26 (Full Price $84)
Blood processing (Plasma)- $44 (Full Price $144)
$70 50 $3,500
Tissue collection and processing:
Tissue Collection – $50 (Full Price $300)
Snap Freezing – $9 (Full Price $28)
$59 50 $2,950
Prospective collection data:
Deidentified pathology report – Complimentary
Comorbidities - $22
Treatment data - $22
Staging, Cancer and Smoking History - $6 x 3
Prospective data collection discount: 10%
Total: $62 -10%: $55 per donor
$62 50 $3,100
Follow up data:
Follow up status: $22
Survival status: $22 (50%) - $12
Total: $34 per donor
$34 50 $1,700
Storage (LN) - $0 first year and $67 per year thereafter $67 TBC TBC
Retrieval $48 per box TBC TBC
Project Application $330 1 $330
Project Management fee – $0 first hour and $100 per hour thereafter $100 per hour TBC TBC
    Total Min. $14,580

Quote provision basis

The VCB quotes this request based on a number of factors, including the request criteria and availability for other purposes (e.g. VCB general biobanking). Where sharing is possible, VCB will further reduce the already-subsidised pricing to a project.

Since liver cancer is part of our biobanking priorities, the costs are shared for case selection and consent (instead of full price). Similarly, the costs for collection and processing of blood and tissue are shared when the specimens can be banked for future projects. Storage fees will be incurred until the samples are dispatched upon full recruitment. Any courier fees are passed on.

While we understand the project would only accept the specimens which have matched tissue and plasma for the merit of the research, this criterion is outside of VCB control, therefore the VCB reserves the right to charge for services rendered (in this case, i.e. case selection and consent) even if they did not result in specimens for the project.

Data pricing is derived from the amount of data requested. Clinical data retrieval involves accessing patient medical records. We are providing a data bundle discount (up to 50%) and prospective collection discount (up to 10%) to our data prices for a comprehensive list and pre-collection data criteria since they enhance our data collection through existing projects.

Follow up Data items that are accessed at a later time will be charged accordingly.

Other fees

As per common practices, an initial project application fee is incurred to cover the administrative work for review of project documents and basic agreement drafting and establishment.

A project management fee may be applied for extensive project management beyond the standard scope.


  • All quotes are in AUD and exclusive of GST.
  • Partner rate applies to partners only (e.g. consortium members), contact us for more information.
  • Commercial rate applies to any projects that have direct commercial interest. Pricing is for guidance only, each prospective project requested will be assessed and quoted individually to reflect project needs.
  • Listed pricing are for standard products and services as per description, any customisation subject to feasibility assessment and may attract additional charges (e.g. different blood tubes, different processing protocol).
  • Full fee may be charged for cancellation of Biospecimen services within 12h where resources have been specifically allocated.

The Victorian Cancer Biobank through the Cancer Council Victoria as Lead Agency is supported by the Victorian Government through the Victorian Cancer Agency, a business unit of the Department of Health.

RAP Victorian Cancer Biobank would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we live and work. We would also like to pay respect to the elders past and present and extend that respect to all other Aboriginal people.

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Consortium members

Cancer Council Victoria Austin Health Eastern Health Monash Health Peter Mac Royal Melbourne Hospital

Supported by